Near the west door is a plaque to 42 members of Duns Parish Church who gave their lives in the First World War, unveiled on Sunday 27th March 1921. Near the east door are plaques from Duns Boston Memorial UF: the first in memory of 12 members who died and another 56 who served in the First World War, the second to 3 members who fell in the Second World War. There are no memorials from Duns East or South UF churches. There are also two identical handwritten rolls in the south-west porch, listing 83 men, headed ‘Church of Scotland - Parish of Duns - European War 1914’. It is likely these list members serving in the forces, compiled in the early months of the war and originally positioned in each porch so worshippers would see them entering and leaving each Sunday.
Hanging from the gallery are the Queen’s and Regimental colours of the 1st Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers. These were presented in Berlin in 1976 and ‘laid-up’ here on Sunday 20th October 1996.