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I Declare Joy & Happiness with Jesus!

Happy Friday everyone,

Brian L. Summy said, 'I can assure you that there is no other reason for joy and happiness that beats a vibrant relationship with a living God who loves you.

Reading this quote has both challenged and changed me all at once. As I'll admit that there are times when my life lacks both joy and happiness when (as a believer) it should be full of both. So, if the enemy is trying to steal your joy and happiness (even) on this bright and sunny day then I encourage you to join me in declaring the following vibrant verses over your life (Job 22:28; Ephesians 6:12)

Yeshua/Jesus wants me to have an abundant life (John 10:10)

Yeshua/Jesus puts joy in my heart daily (Psalm 4:7)

Yeshua/Jesus wants my joy to be full! (John 15:11)

God Bless,



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