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Duns Fair Share - September Update

Dear All,


Duns Food Bank  


During September we made 35 deliveries and helped 87 individuals (60 adults, 27 children).


At the moment the food store is short of:


Tins of meat


Tea bags


As always, we are very grateful for your contributions.


This month Steve Wood resigned from the Quartermaster’s Team due to pressing work commitments. Many thanks Steve for all you’ve done for the Food Bank over the last few years. Members of the Quartermaster’s Team collect food from the Co-op and Duns Parish Church, check that food is within its ‘use by’ date and stack shelves in the food store. We are always keen to recruit new members to the team – if you would like to know more please contact us at this email address.


We are building excellent relations with local supermarkets and you will know that the Co-op in Duns already donates food to our Community Larder on a regular basis. Most recently Duns Co-op has been collecting saving stamps on behalf of the Food Bank and has already raised £150! If you would like to support the Food Bank in this way just ask at the tills to purchase and donate saving stamps to the Co-op’s Community Collection booklets. From this month we will also feature as one of three charities supported by Tesco in Berwick. Customers use tokens provided at the checkouts to vote for the charity of their choice and we’d obviously be very grateful if you would vote for Duns Food Bank when shopping at Tesco.


Community Larder and Social Café


The Larder and Café are open every Tuesday and Thursday, 10.00 am – 12 noon and provide a welcome ‘warm hub’ as the temperatures fall. Please come along for a hot drink and make the most of really excellent surplus food.


Many thanks as always for your continued support


Best wishes,


Duns Fair Share



Duns and District Parishes, Church of Scotland. Scottish Charity No. SC005161

Church Office Address: 6A Market Square, Duns TD11 3DB | Email:

©2022 Duns & District Parishes

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