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April's Newsletter: Finance Update

We had another challenging year in 2021, with the Covid-19 pandemic causing suspension of in-person services in our Churches in the early part of the year, then restricting numbers and limiting fundraising activities and hall lets.

Our accounts for 2021 show a surplus of £3,802 for the year but this is only because the Food Bank’s funds are administered as a Restricted Fund of Duns & District Parishes and the Food Bank has generated a lot of donation income again this year. The Unrestricted Funds of the Congregation – the General Fund, Reserve Fund and Fabric Funds – had a deficit of £2,999 (compared with a deficit of £10,775 in 2020). The size of the deficit was kept down because of the generous response we received to the National Giving Day appeal and the funds raised at the Sale of Work in December.

Your continuing financial support in these difficult times will be greatly appreciated. Although we are now able to hold services on a regular pattern and have resumed coffee mornings and hall lets, our finances are still under intense pressure – particularly because of the huge rises in energy costs. We are also having to pay larger Ministries and Mission contributions to The Church of Scotland and are being asked to pay considerably higher Presbytery dues. Regular donations are particularly welcome as they help us to budget…but all donations are always welcome as every penny counts. Many members pay offerings by standing order and this provides a regular flow of income which is very helpful. If you would be willing to pay by standing order on a weekly or monthly basis – or would like to make donations by bank transfer - the congregation’s bank details are:

Account Name: Duns & District Parishes Account Number: 00140934 Sort Code: 83-18-40

Alternatively, you can contact me and I will send you a form – or you can download the form from the Giving section on our Church website. Donations can also be made online by the “Giving” button on the Church website.

I know that all of us are faced with rising costs but I would ask you to consider your giving and, if you are able to increase your regular donations, by even a small percentage, it would very helpful – but I appreciate for some, this will not be possible.

Thank you, Fiona Fiona Gaddes – Treasurer. Email: 3 Teindhillgreen, Duns, TD11 3DX Tel: 07800 869643


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