Happy New Year!
During 2024 the Food Bank made 513 deliveries throughout most of Berwickshire and helped 1,117 individuals (772 adults, 345 children) and 395 pets. During the year the Café/Larder had 2,286 customer visits and hosted many collaborating organisations including Abundant Borders, Berwickshire Housing Association, British Red Cross, Caledonian Credit Union, Changeworks, Citizens Advice Bureau, Duns Social Care and Sustainable Selkirk. All of this was made possible by the generous time and commitment given by over 40 volunteers and we are extremely grateful for their continued support.
Our Fundraising Team has been very busy during the last few months and some very good news is that we now have sufficient funds to allow us to remain in our current premises at 15 Murray Street for a further 15 months. We would like to thank the Scottish Government/Borders Community Action and Arnold Clark Community Fund for their very generous support.
Currently the food store is short of:
Tins of meat (Spam, corned beef, Irish stew etc.), ravioli, hot dogs, fruit
As always, we are very grateful for your contributions.
There’s still time to vote for Duns Fair Share at Tesco in Berwick!
Thank you once again for all your help and support during 2024.
Best wishes,
Duns Fair Share
Duns Fair Share, SC053316