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Christmas Shoe Box Appeal 2023 - Update

This year 65 shoeboxes were delivered to the Blythswood Care collection point which is fabulous (and surpasses last year's total of 61!) There was a good mix of adult male and female, boy and girls and even 3 baby boxes. We are lucky to have a wee team who gather to check the shoeboxes already handed in and fill more shoeboxes with the amazing donations we receive from you, your friends and neighbours. Any items left over which can’t make up a box are still sent to Blythswood Care as they too have a team who will make up boxes with items handed in. Our grateful thanks to you all.


Duns and District Parishes, Church of Scotland. Scottish Charity No. SC005161

Church Office Address: 6A Market Square, Duns TD11 3DB | Email:

©2022 Duns & District Parishes

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